What is Rosacea?
Rosacea is a skin condition that usually affects the face, leading to the development of facial pustules (pimples filled with pus). It is marked by persistent redness and flare-ups, as well as vascular damage to the skin’s surface. If it is not treated, it can worsen as additional pimples and bumps can evolve.
How does the Rosacea Treatment work?
The Fotona Acne Rosacea Nd: YAG Laser treatment focuses on the vascular damage caused by rosacea. It solidifies the blood vessels that are noticeable on the surface of the skin - using the long-pulse (LP pulsation) setting to treat pigmentation in the blood vessels. This is done by transmitting controlled laser energy to solidify and destroy them, which reduces their size and severity. Smaller areas require a single session or monthly treatments and patients will experience a zapping feeling which is also followed by heat. The treatment is effective and fast.